2, Norwich Road, Worcester, WR5 1NX, United Kingdom
2, Norwich Road, Worcester, WR5 1NX, United Kingdom
2, Norwich Road, Worcester, WR5 1NX, United Kingdom
Midlands Gospel Mission (MGM), a registered Charitable Trust under British Charitable Act began with the aim of proclaiming the Gospel of our Lord Christ Jesus and sharing His love to all people without any barrier of religion, region, race, nation, culture, language and gender.
Philadelphia Christian Assembly, the first leading church founded under the MGM, began with one family in a rented house in May 2004, under the initiative and leadership of Pastor Santosh Kuriakose Manithottam. It was later shifted to the Pastor’s residence in No 56, Granhill Close, Redditch and the congregation grew and consisted of several families. Continued growth resulted in shifting the Sunday worship services to the premises of Oak Hill First School located nearby. While the Church convergence and worship went on till Feb 2014, earnest prayers and longing for an own Church premises grew intensely. Consistent efforts of the Pastor, coupled with sacrificial offerings, and with the co-operation and selfless-givings of the church members facilitated the buying of the present church premises at 2, Norwich Road, Worcester, WR5 1NX. Thus, from March 2014, MGM Philadelphia Christian Church worship services are regularly conducted here.
Description | From | To |
Malayalam | 10:30 AM | 01:00 PM |
English (1st Sunday of every month) | 12:30 PM | 1:00 PM |
Sunday School | 09:00 AM | 10:15 AM |
Saturday Bible Class – Hereford | 10:00 AM | 11:30 AM |
Saturday Bible Class – Worcester | 07:00 PM | 09:00 PM |
Youth Meeting (2nd Sunday of every month) | 12:30 PM | 01:30 PM |
Fasting Prayer (Last weekend of every month) | Friday | Sunday |
Youth Ministry, Children's Ministry, and Ladies Ministries are regularly conducted.
If you live in the neighbourhood of the MGM Philadelphia Christian Church, or the nearby towns around Worcester, you are most welcome to attend our worship services.
Pr. Santosh Manithottam
Social Action
Ladies Ministries
Youth Ministries
Church Growth
Prayer Support ministry
Outreach Ministries